Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holiday Preparations!

Upon a review of this next week's schedule, I realized that I was not going to have much time to complete any of the things that I need to get done! So, Jim and I spent today preparing for the upcoming holiday festivities! Yesterday, he helped to cut down Christmas trees for UAFD and then we brought one home. Today was the day for decorating! These are two ornaments I received from friends and family in honor of my first pregnant Christmas!
Baby Fairy from Aunt Julie
Pregnant Mommy ornament from Mary G. (Gram)
The tree is all decorated!
I also spent some time preparing cookie dough for a cookie exchange and Fire Department Open House at the end of this week, as well as, a treat for a school luncheon on Tuesday. WHEW! Since I had to make two types of cookies, I tried one new recipe, Santa Whiskers, and stuck with an oldie but a goodie for the other , Peanut Butter Blossoms. I'm excited to see how they turn out!

For the school luncheon, I made these chocolate refrigerator treats with marshmallows and rice krispies that Jim requested. Only problem was, we couldn't find the exact recipe. Well we concocted one and based upon Jim eating 3 of them already, make that 5, I think we got it pretty close.

So Sunday evening and I have most of my extra-curricular things complete and I can use the time I do have in the evening this week to do school work. Oh how exciting!


  1. I had never seen "Mommy-to-be" ornaments before. They are so cute! We have made it a tradition to get the kids a new ornament every year. When they move out and have their first Christmas tree, they will already have lots of special ornaments. We also buy a new "family" ornament every year. That way in 20 years, Nick and I will still have something left to put on the tree. :)
    Your rice krispie treats look so yummy. You will have to post your version of the recipe sometime.
    Have a great day!

  2. p.s. I love your blog background, but I can't view your scrapblog. It says I need to be invited.
